Showing posts with label DesignTaxi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DesignTaxi. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Kitty Face

Take a look at the caterpillar of the Chinese Bush Brown butterfly - a native to the rainforests and deciduous forests of  Japan - which  nature has amusingly given a face similar to the popular cartoon character 'Hello Kitty'.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Cookie Cup

For the Italian coffee brand Lavazza, Venezuelan designer Enrique Luis Sardi has created Cookie Cup - a coffee cup you can eat.

 The cup is made of pastry with a special icing sugar interior, which is multipurpose: it insulates, is waterproof, and, is a sweetener for the coffee. 

Interesting way to reduce one's carbon footprint - drink the coffee and then eat the cup!

Via: DesignTaxi

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


What a super idea for a gift... 
Philadelphia-based confectionery companyCocoagraph, will take your precious photo moments and create a handmade chocolate bar printed on edible ‘Polaroid-style' photo paper. Available in four flavours milk, white, dark or organic dark chocolate. All you have to do is upload your photo, choose the frame size and design, and they will do the rest.
Via: DesignTaxi 

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Coasting Along

Molson, a Canadian beer company, has come up with an ingenious idea for its beer coasters, which is also an ecologically friendly one too. In a special campaign, they have infused their beer coasters with seeds, so that when planted and watered they should grow into black spruce trees.

Love the idea, but I am curious if the infusion of beer into these coasters as they fulfil their original task of soaking up beer, before they are planted will have any effect on the evolution of black spruce trees in the long run?

Source: DesignTaxi