Friday, 5 October 2012

Frogs etc. - Jasper Oostland

It is a series of brightly coloured cards depicting a variety of animals, which have been attracting my attention for a while. Each has its own story, and is illustrated to incorporate realism, in the accuracy of their detailed rendering, plus a hint of the world of cartoon in their personification. Although frogs seem to be in the majority, it is the card with a bird wearing a top hat tilted at a rakish angle, that becomes the deciding factor in my contacting the artist; beady eyes, long pointy beak and an intense stare invite the viewer to choose one of the three upturned cups on the table in front of the bird, in a gamble, to reveal what’s hiding underneath.

These are the creations of artist Jasper Oostland who lives and works in Groningen. I arrive at his house on a rare sunny day in June; a house filled with large windows, which results in an overall bright, airy feel, and is the perfect residence for an artist. With his studio situated in the attic, we head upstairs. White walls, windows on two sides, jars filled with brushes awaiting action, and enormous pots of acrylic paint stand resolutely on a table. Nearby, is an easel with his latest work in progress; there’s a lot of bright pink happening in this work, and from the outlines I can just make out a car and a flamingo. The easel has an ingenious feature - the addition of a rotary centre. This allows the current work to be turned a full 360 degrees, allowing complete ease of access to the entire picture whilst it is worked upon.

A former student of the art school, Minerva, in Groningen, Jasper studied illustration with an emphasis on technique. Studying the use of light, its source and application, is an important part in creating the 3-D realism of the animals. To my question about his colour usage, he says it is something that he uses intuitively. Each work starts with a wash of background colour upon which the animals are brought to life through a series of painted layers progressing from dark to light. As he talks he passes me an amazingly detailed picture of a large grey rhino, standing wistfully next to a delicate pink rose in a glass vase. The equally bright pink background is one of his experiments; in this case how to make pink work on pink. Other little tricks and details he puts in his work are expressly done to leave something for the viewer to discover.

The abundance of frogs in his work, often in everyday situations, leads me to ask firstly, if he is the frog, and secondly, if the variety of situations the frog finds himself in, is maybe a tongue in cheek social comment. To the former he says he is not, as far as he is aware, the frog, although sometimes according to his girlfriend, he can have a particular stance or expression that reminds her of a frog. As for a deep and meaningful message or social comment, he says there isn’t one, he likes frogs, and in particular tree frogs because they have a lot of character; they have great hands with padded fingers that can hold things and expressive eyes.

When it comes to inspiration he researches photos in books or images from the Internet, for the accurate depiction he needs. As for what comes first, it is more or less spontaneous - sometimes it’s the animal and sometimes the object. Ideas also come from association or a particular pose, and these are worked out further in a sketchbook.

These days it is very important for artists to be active with self-promotion if they want public attention. Jasper seems to have this under control: he has an up to date website; makes use of social media (find him on Facebook); exhibits regularly; sells work online – both originals and giclées; uses Chat Roulette, a website where you can watch him paint live. Also, by every exhibition he places a large pile of cards depicting one of his works and including his contact details. As he says: “People keep them and pin them up.” This continual visibility has led to 20% of his work being commission based, and, as a result he finds himself in the enviable position of having enough work for a year.

When asked if he has any dreams for the future, he says that at the moment he is quite happy with the status quo, but maybe a book, a little more structured organization of his business as a whole, and, as the father of two young daughters under five, a little more sleep wouldn’t go amiss.

If you would like to see Jasper’s work, why not visit the library in Groningen, where he is currently exhibiting a selection of works. It runs from 5th September 2012 to 4th January 2013.

© Alison Day
First published in the 
Connections magazine #37 Autumn 2012

Read & download issue here
View all issues of Connections HERE (editor, designer, illustrator: 2006-2013)

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Toast with Showers

Sick of leaving the house forgetting to check the weather forecast and getting a drenching?
Well, designer  Nathan Brunstein may have come up with a solution that is both handy and edible. Introducing the ‘Jamy Toaster’  capable of predicting the weather—thanks to an inbuilt barometer and thermometer.

Put a piece of bread into the toaster, and when it's done, it will pop up with the day's forecast 'printed' onto it.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Blue-Footed Boobies

The male, blue-footed boobies are particularly proud of their feet and show them off during mating rituals. Apparently, the bluer they are the more attractive they are to the opposite sex!

Boobies can be found on the western coasts of Central and South America, and in particular on The Galápagos Islands.

Wild for Wildlife & Nature

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Winged "Poodles"

Spotted flying around in the skies of South America, is the Venezuelan poodle moth. A very strange creature, and nobody seems to know much about it. 

According to Zoologist, media consultant, and science writer, Dr Karl Shuker (also one of the best known cryptozoologists in the world). He believes this to be legitimate: "Furry, white, long-eyelash-bedecked insect that's so strange it couldn't possibly exist in real life and yet somehow it does? Definitely."

Photo: Arthur Anker

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Inside Outside

For the decoration of the outside of buildings, Italian wallpaper company Wall & Decò creates large mural-like wall coverings, which are used the world over. 

Applying photographic images and graphic decorations are simply achieved by the use of a 3-part system : adhesive, technical fabric and finishing treatment.

Via Cool Hunter