Showing posts with label flowers and plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers and plants. Show all posts

Monday, 21 August 2017

Languid Florals

Languid Florals by Alison Day

Well, week two of the Home Decor course is complete and uploaded. Substrate: fabric, with a theme of florals. I've always wanted a chaise longue and covered with my own fabric design would be fabulous... Oh and that Ottoman will go nicely with it too.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Journey's End

Well, I made it... Illustration 100/100 - Cacti ! The last illustration from my second project: #100daysflowersandplants.

In the last four months, I have been working on not one, but two projects from the #100dayproject. Why two? Purely because I couldn't decide between: #100daysfoodanddrink or #100daysflowersandplants. It's been an interesting challenge, running the two, alongside other work and during which, I have seen my style develop. Plus, I now have 200 illustrations for other projects!
As for journey's end? ... I doubt it...