Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 April 2024

Stepping in to an Adventure


A quote by the Cheshire Cat, from Alice in Wonderland, added to an illustrative floral border of fuchsias, sourced from my garden 🌸

An assignment from Immersion, a Surface Pattern Design Course I’m taking. 
The quote was hand written, then stylised and digitised in Adobe Illustrator and the final colour choice reached by using playing with the recolour tool in Illustrator. 

Alice and the Cheshire Cat
Alice in Wonderland by John Tenniel

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Fuchsia Frolic

First pattern: Fuchsia Frolic - using the flower of a favourite garden plant for inspiration and one that I grow each year in my garden. 

Created as a result of following a 5-day pattern challenge, using Adobe Illustrator.

Quite a learning curve and it still needs tweaking, but that's all part of the fun. 

I love a challenge - the start of many more! 🌸

Website: Alison Day Designs 


Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Foxy Baroque

Foxy Baroque by Alison Day

Foxy Baroque and Home Decor week 4, is all about ceramics and incorporating text, along with various finishing techniques and decoration.

With a love of all things Gaudi, I found myself adding glass mosaic decoration to an already opulent, hand painted plate. A glass glaze on a fern coaster, which could also be used to create a mosaic wall pattern, shows how lucrative designing products for oneself could be for a broader audience.
Finally, porcelain potpourri holders, a personified vase with a foxglove skirt in relief and a unicorn tree decoration and we enter the realms of the mystical and magical world.

View September's newsletter here

Monday, 21 August 2017

Languid Florals

Languid Florals by Alison Day

Well, week two of the Home Decor course is complete and uploaded. Substrate: fabric, with a theme of florals. I've always wanted a chaise longue and covered with my own fabric design would be fabulous... Oh and that Ottoman will go nicely with it too.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Journey's End

Well, I made it... Illustration 100/100 - Cacti ! The last illustration from my second project: #100daysflowersandplants.

In the last four months, I have been working on not one, but two projects from the #100dayproject. Why two? Purely because I couldn't decide between: #100daysfoodanddrink or #100daysflowersandplants. It's been an interesting challenge, running the two, alongside other work and during which, I have seen my style develop. Plus, I now have 200 illustrations for other projects!
As for journey's end? ... I doubt it...

Friday, 12 August 2016

Marine Design

Seaweed—the underwater garden, providing food, medicine and marine life refuge.
 These and more flowers and plants can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100daysflowersandplants

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Airborne Offspring

Isn't it wonderful watching the changing of the seasons? Although I have a preference for the seasons which build up to a heady glory, as opposed to the end of year decline, there is something magical about the process and it's repetition.

Autumn is long busy before we name it so, with the subtle turning of the leaves, ripening of fruit and dispersal of seeds. Sitting in the garden, I watch the wind blow tiny butterfly-shaped seed pods everywhere. There is a light sprinkling covering the ground, a guarantee of the survival of that particular plant for next year, with the exception of those that land in my coffee!

These and more flowers and plants can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100daysflowersandplants

Friday, 22 July 2016

Wonder Flower

Isn't it wonderful how flowers can make you feel?

A select series of flowers and plants can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100daysflowersandplants

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Lovely Lavender

Lavender—pretty, has a great scent and bees love it.

These and a selection of flowers and plants can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100daysflowersandplants

Monday, 18 July 2016

Honest Policy

On school lunch breaks, we were always sent outside, whatever the weather, to get some 'fresh air'. 
In the winter, it was bitterly cold. The wind would whistle up our blue-grey tweed skirts and knees would redden, barely visible above long grey socks, pulled up as far as they would go. 
A cat and mouse game ensued, between us and the teachers as we tried to get out of the cold and find a warm place inside. A group of six of us, would hide in the music rooms, until we were discovered and ejected outside again. Eventually, detentions would be issued, for the following Monday, by unsympathetic teachers, with an over inflated sense of importance.
Detention was an hour and on one occasion involved writing an essay: Honesty is the best policy. I enjoyed writing the essay, because it gave me the opportunity to admonish the staff, who in my opinion, had treated us unfairly.
I neither heard, nor do I care what they thought of the piece, or whether they even read it. Suffice to say, their lack of empathy only fuelled the rebel in me; the next time it was cold, we headed straight for the music rooms once more.

More of my illustrative work can be seen on my Instagram

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Flower Language

All the colourful sketches and watercolours of Zinnia I was making, were for a journal cover entitled The Language of Flowers.
The final assignment, after an inspiring, five month long, bootcamp given by Lilla Rogers of MATS

These and more flowers and plants can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100daysflowersandplants

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Cast of Thousands

After a flower's petals have dropped, the left over seed cases and plant pods, filled with a few or with thousands of seeds, continue to make a garden interesting.

These and more flowers and plants can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100daysflowersandplants

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Mini Zinnia

A couple of sketches of the vibrant flower—zinnia, as part of MATS Bootcamp 2016, given  by Lilla Rogers. An inspiring and fun e-course!

More flower and plant illustrations can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100daysflowersandplants


Friday, 8 July 2016

Floral Fantasy

Floral Fantasy—I'd like to develop into a fabric pattern.

This and more flowers and plant illustrations can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100flowersandplants


Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Floral Parade

Colourful fruit illustrations as part of the #100dayproject. See more on Instagram
Tag: #100daysflowersandplants. Also #foodanddrink is my other project.

This and more flowers and plant illustrations can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100daysflowersandplants


Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Latest nine

My latest set of nine on Instagram for the #100dayproject.

This and more foody illustrations can be found on my Instagram as part of the #100dayproject. Tag: #100daysfoodanddrink


Thursday, 3 September 2015