Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Finding Winter Wonder: Exploring Oxford’s Christmas Fair


Apart from the twinkling street lights and street vendor chalets, the Christmas fair in Oxford this year, with no snow, had a gigantic wooden Aprés Ski Bar, with tall (creepy) nutcracker dolls standing sentinel outside, an illuminated conical Christmas tree and an impressive carousel.

This carousel was not your usual kids only variety, but was a double decker, which included adult-sized rides too. A herd of brightly painted horses galloped to festive tunes, accompanied by carriages, sleighs and giant a couple of Rudolf the red nosed reindeers. 

Magnificent during the day, the carousel was a sight to behold as dusk approached. Walking past every day on my way to work, I couldn’t resist and took a spin on one of the horses!

If you’d like to see the carousel in action, visit my reels on instagram - @alisondaydesigns 

Alison Day Designs

Friday, 19 March 2010

Hello World!

My goodness! 'Start a blog,' she thought. 'That'll be easy,' she thought... Not so initially, after wading through the navigational options, making two blogs instead of just the one required, throwing together a quick header and trying to fathom out what boxes to check and what not...gotta be careful I don't come out of this a total pillock...Alison Day Designs the blog is born. Of course the grey background isn't quite what I wanted, but I haven't found where to change the colour yet; never fear, I will eventually.

So, why a blog I hear you ask? Well, having written articles on a variety of subjects for a number of years now for a expatriate magazine Connections (of which, I am also editor), I find that I actually enjoy writing. Also,  I wanted to put all my previously written articles in one place, maybe write a few more, and well, see where it leads to.

One thing I would like to make quite clear from the onset, is that I am terrible at spelling and don't expect a cure any day soon, so please bear with me. Yes Mum, I know they used to drum it into kids at school in your day, but obviously I missed that bus! As far as I'm concerned ,as long as you get the gist, that's all that matters, and why else was the spell check invented?

Also, I wanted a place to ramble on to my heart’s content on whatever I felt like. This includes stuff about my artistic creations too. My website and work, if you're interested can be found here.

My big news of the moment, on the art front, is that next week (26 March) I fly to England for a week, to deliver an artistic creation (on 30/31 March) that I made especially to submit to the Royal Academy's annual  Summer Exhibition!  It did, finally make it to my sister's house (Caroline)  in London, notwithstanding UPS and their 24 hour vigil of "let’s just circulate this one, one more time for the lads, round the depo carousel."

From previous years it seems that entrants for the RA number 13,000 and, looking at last year's programme (kindly sent to me by my friend Kate, who lives in Crete, Greece, only about 1300 pieces of work get chosen to exhibit. Anyone can enter, using any medium. Mine is my signature style art, which I refer to as papiermaché-mosaics, and her name is Lola. (I can't show her publicly yet, so here's Bead Lady instead). I'm nervous and excited and it would be amazing to be able to hang on the RA's walls during their world renown exhibition, but I almost don't dare think it. I should hear early June if I have been watch this spot...for potential champagne corks/sobs!

Well, the sun has yet to pass the yard arm, but what the heck it's Friday and there is no sun to be spotted here in the Northern Netherlands, so I think a snifter or two is in order. To clarify, in my family the sun has to have passed the yard arm before the drinks cupboard can be opened, but I think that was a vain attempt by my father to protect his alcohol stocks from three reprobate drunken teenagers of yore. 

View all issues of Connections HERE (editor, designer, illustrator: 2006-2013)