Showing posts with label amelias magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amelias magazine. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Craftivist Collective & Climate Rush Campaign

'UK train fares are some of the most expensive in Europe, and they are about to rise further, at great cost to both people and planet. The Craftivist Collective and Climate Rush are taking a stand.' - Hannah Bullivant

Illustration by © Alison Day Designs  for 'Fair Fares,' article written by Hannah Bullivant  First published in Amelias Magazine, April 2011

Saturday, 26 February 2011

London Fashion Week - Florian Jayet

Illustrations of a couple of the designs at the Florian Jayet show. London Fashion Week (LFW) A/W 2011. They accompany Helen Martin's article about the collection, which you can read here: Amelia's Magazine.

© Alison Day Feb 2011
Alison Day Design 

Friday, 19 November 2010

Anna Brønsted of Our Broken Garden

Anna Brønsted of Our Broken Garden  - Illustration created using photo: Eva Edsjö.
My first illustration published in Amelia's Magazine  (Music) November 2010.

© Alison Day
Alison Day Design 