Showing posts with label online courses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online courses. Show all posts

Saturday 18 November 2023

Unlock the inner artist: Creativity for a busy schedule

Have your creative passions faded into the background, in the daily hustle and grind of work and family responsibilities that demand constant attention? 

Does the spark that once ignited your artistic spirit seem like a distant memory, buried beneath the weight of endless to-do lists and urgent commitments?

Is your inner artist searching for an outlet for creative expression?

For those seeking to rekindle their creative spark, the world of hands-on, creative, digital courses offers a gateway to unlocking artistic potential, while fitting into a busy schedule. Courses that provide a supportive and nurturing environment, where new skills and art forms can be explored.

The beauty of these courses lies in their flexibility; whether you're a complete beginner venturing into the realm of art, or a seasoned artist seeking to refine your skills. There's a course tailored to your expertise and available free time. Online learning platforms offer a treasure trove of options, allowing you to access courses from the comfort of your own home during those precious moments of downtime.

With a vast array of creative disciplines to delve into, the possibilities are endless. From the intricate art of paper quilling, to the mesmerising world of digital animation. Embrace the tranquility of painting, the meditative rhythm of knitting, or the power of storytelling through photography or filmmaking.

Engaging in creative activities has been shown to enhance cognitive function, boost problem-solving abilities and reduce stress levels. A therapeutic outlet for emotional expression, allowing you to process and navigate the complexities of life through art.

Moreover, joining online creative courses provides an opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded individuals. This sense of belonging can be particularly enriching and offers a supportive network and space to express one’s authentic self.

As you embark on your journey, remember that creativity is not about achieving perfection or conforming to a specific standard. It's about embracing the process, the joy of exploration, and the freedom to express yourself without judgment. Embrace the imperfections, the unexpected twists and turns, and allow yourself to be guided by your creative spirit.

So, with this in mind, why not start by dedicating a few hours each week, for some me time? Explore a new art form, take an online course, or simply pick up a paintbrush and let your imagination run wild. You'll be amazed at the transformative power that this can bring into your life and remind you of the boundless potential that lies within.

Re-awaken your inner creative - grab my FREE download: The Ultimate Kickstart ðŸŒ¸

Alison Day Designs


Thursday 2 November 2017

May the Universe be with You

We all have those days. No matter how hard you try to keep your positive mojo going, something happens whereby the doldrums hit, or something underwhelms you to the point of disbelief. 

I get it, there are worse things happening in the world and every day I have, I should be grateful for what I have. So, without this turning into a complete whine fest, let me put you in the picture...
On days that I don’t feel on top of the world, I tell myself:
‘Get out of the house, take a walk and clear your head’.
It helps—it doesn’t always solve the problem, but it generally raises my mood and gives me some level of clarity on how to proceed.

My local park, is a seasonal delight. Filled with autumnal colours, amplifying the end of the year, yellow clay underfoot, made squishy by the recent rains and bouncing dogs and their people.

As I trudged along, trying to replace the negativity in my head, banging on like a small town gossip, my eyes were cast to the ground. With each step, I saw mud and a variety of different leaf sorts sunken into it and admired their variegated shapes and shades: greens, yellows, reds and browns. Reaching a trident in the path, habit dictates I take the central path and head up a small hill.

On this particular day, I noticed a sprinkling of leaves that although familiar in shape, were out of place. Puzzled, I stopped in my tracks and looked around to find the tree these could have fallen from. Nothing. No tree, shrub, branch remnants or root ball in sight that these could have possibly come from—just fresh, green leaves, everywhere.

Gathering up 9 of the leaves, I continued up the hill. At the top, I stood a while and looked down the stone steps to the bandstand. With the leaves in my hands and a smile on my face, I contemplated the odds of why this particular leaf and not another. You see, when it comes down to it, I am a firm believer that when we ask for help, the Universe will oblige us with an answer, in some form or other.

‘What were the leaves?’ I hear you ask. 
Oh, yes, I almost forgot—they were fresh, green, Ginkgo leaves, strewn all over the path. 

Why did this made me smile? Well, because this is the leaf that is featured on my new logo, for my up and coming website: Dream Create Reveal, for online courses, due early 2018! 

In need of a creative boost?  Take part in this month's: Creative Jumpstart

© Alison Day
Alison Day Design 

Thursday 28 September 2017

Discover Your Inner Artist

Here's a short video I created about an up and coming creative online course. Images, film and voiceover by yours truly  - feeling good about it! Let me know what you think?