Showing posts with label cool hunter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cool hunter. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 December 2012


Blues is to jazz what yeast is to bread. Without it, it’s flat.” - Carmen McRae

There's nothing more disappointing, whilst on the run, than grabbing 'a-sandwich-to-go' only to find that the bread is less than acceptable. 

The momentary illusion of a tasty sandwich, created by the attractive packaging, its filling promising satiation, is immediately dashed by the first bite; the filling runs off in terror, the bread shrinks into a glutinous lump and then proceeds to stick to the roof  of one's mouth. Swallow, and it dawns on me that this 'bread' has only just started its journey, and has a long way to go... Ugh!

It is with this in mind that I rejoice at the movement of the real bread movement, where the baking of bread is artful - the use of the best organic ingredients, perfect preparation, and the pimping of the worn out old homely-style bakery establishment to one befitting the sale of real bread.

Photos of Blé Bakery on Agias Sofias in Thessaloniki, Greece 
Via: The Cool Hunter
Blurb: © Alison Day Designs

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Pigs Might Fly

Love these... The fascination of hot air ballooning, coupled with creatively designed balloons, is sure to bring a smile to most peoples faces. The first photo, puts an interesting twist on the old saying: 'Pigs might fly.'   Via: Cool Hunter

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Strawberry Snowballs

For a seasonal looking snack, dip strawberries in yoghurt and freeze
- et voila! 
A simple but yummy snack. 
From Cool Hunter

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Brazillian Bombshell

From the outside, the delights of the interior of this house
not immediately apparent...

A really stylish place, to call home which, is in an
neighbourhood in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

I particularly like the open plan, where inside flows over into 
outside, whilst the interior decoration is left minimalist; 
a blank canvas for the owner to add their personal style.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Creative with Wood

Both a versatile and durable material, wood lives on long after it's transformation. Sensitive to hot and cold, it expands and contracts as it settles itself into its new role. 

This mushrooming shape is strangely appealing. For more design work using wood, visit the finds on The Cool Hunter 

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Attracted to the Dark Side

Antique Jewellery & the modern Dandy

Fashion by Itamar Zechoval: gentleman's boutique: Dandy of the Grotesque. 

Avantgarde diaries & Itamar  Zechoval interview: here 
Courtesy of The Cool Hunter