Showing posts with label bugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bugs. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Currant Fare

I wasn't planning on gardening today, but you know how it goes? Pick up a leaf and throw a twig in a bucket and before you know it, you have a pair of secateurs in hand, you're on a mission and everything gets pruned!

The blackcurrants certainly did need picking, but it doesn't end at that. The plant then has to be cut back right back, leaving the new branches for the next season. In the moment, I thought why not—take the time? Repetitive, mantra-like, as I plucked the tiny, purple, vitamin C bombs from the branches, I found myself thinking about how, I inevitably was destroying the habitat of some bug or other. I could feel the reproach, from an enormous grey spider, swinging from the remnants of her web and of the bright green grasshoppers, pinging all over the place. A plastic-looking earwig looked quite pissed off, or maybe it's just their demeanor. All had to relocate, with one consolation, I left the berries that fell for any passing takers. Immediately, a big fat slug, smelling the berries, advanced, amazingly fast for a slug, out of the poppies, to claim and gorge itself on a berry bigger than its head.

My prize, the berries you see in the photo above, weighing in at a grand 340 g. As I sit on the garden bench relaxing, I wonder what will be next on the harvest agenda, before the leaves start to fall: tomatoes, grapes, blackberries...

Currently, I'm writing an E-Course. It's for anyone wishing to take time for themselves creatively, develop their knowledge, as well as meet others of a like mind. Regardless your artistic experience or creative level—so that includes you!

If you'd like to be kept up to date on my E-Course as it progresses, or have always wanted to take part in a creative class, with an environmental flavour—subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Plus you'll also receive my 10 top creative tips: here